A Tribute to Shelley Bergum, Cofounder of CCAF

The image shows three children outside on a sunny day: a girl, Shelley, in a blue floral dress with white knee-high socks, a young boy in a dark suit with red hair, and an older boy in a white shirt and dark pants, all smiling. The vintage-style photo hints at a mid-20th-century setting in a residential area.
Shelley in a white blouse and yellow cheerleading outfit with a letter 'B' stands next to a black dog in a sunny yard with a white picket fence and camper in the background.
A black and white photo of Shelley and protesters holding signs saying
Shelley with a joyful expression, wearing a blue turtleneck and vest, seated in a wheelchair, holding a baby wrapped in a white blanket, in a dimly lit room with a candle in the background.
Shelley holding papers and looking thoughtful, with a pen to their chin, in a black and white photo.
Shelley at a crowded protest with various signs in the background.
Shelley, her husband and their young daughter smiling, sitting together on steps outside a house, with greenery in the background.

Shelley died on January 7, 2016 following a two-year illness.

Shelley in a wheelchair smiling, wearing a black jacket with white floral designs, indoors with a modern setting in the background.

Shelley Bergum
1953 – 2016
Disability Rights Activist & Leader