Our Board

Barry Saudan

Barry Saudan


Barry Saudan was appointed by CCAF/Ability Central Board of Directors as President and Chief Executive Officer in January of 2015, following the retirement of Shelley Bergum, one of CCAFโ€™s founders and CEO since 2003.

Prior to taking over as CEO, Barry was the Director of Operations and part of CCAFโ€™s Executive Management Team that oversees CCAFโ€™s contract with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to manage and operate the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program (DDTP).

Barry has over 30 yearsโ€™ of executive management experience, including technical operations and strategic management in the financial systems and software sectors. Barryโ€™s experience also includes working for a nonprofit in the workforce development sector and as a small business owner. Barry holds a Masterโ€™s Degree in Business Administration and Under Graduate Degrees in Information Systems Management and Electronic Engineering.